The Innovation Week is an annual event that gives local innovators, entrepreneurs,
social enterprises, community organizations, and citizens new ways to think, tools and inspiration to
tackle challenging problems, as well as connections to problem solvers and future builders.
More than just a week of events, the initiative provides a platform for organizations to work together
to build capacity and support the development of a culture of innovation in Tanzania.
What to expect;
A place where companies and startups:-
- Innovation Exhibitions showcase the latest ideas & technologies transforming communities around the World.
- Networking opportunities to connect with entrepreneurs and catalyze new partnerships.
- Skills-building workshops to improve digital literacy and entrepreneurial skills.
- Public discussions about the state of innovation and the role of the private sector in transforming our communities.
- Panel discussions featuring leaders from across the technology sector in Tanzania and beyond.
- Youth challenges inspire people to think creatively and seize new opportunities for social impact.
How to attend
This is an invite-only event where to attend you are required to RSVP after an invite.